



1.I'd like to invite you to my home.我唸請你往我傢。

2.Thank you very much for helping me.無比感谢你對我的輔助。

3.Could you please speak slowly? 請你說緩里好嗎?

4.I'm happy to help you any time.我隨時皆苦願答應讚助你。

5.How was your vacation?您假期過得怎樣樣?

6.What do you think of our company?你觉得偺們公司怎樣樣?

7.Do you have any advice for me about learning English?你能給點我若何教好英語的倡議嗎?

8.I'd be happy to show you around Beijing.我很願意帶你逛逛北京,翻譯

9.Is it possible for you to come tomorrow?你來日能來嗎?

10.1 wish I could help you.我渴望能够幫到你。

11.Don’t worry about being laughed at when you speak English.你說英語時別擔憂别人會笑話。

12.It’S too hot to eat outside.來裏面用飯太熱了。

13.Please come as quickly as you can 請儘快来那。

14.Do you mind my opening the window?你介懷我開窗嗎?

15.I'm sure that YOu will have a good time here.我敢確定你會正正在這過得很下興。

16.It’s very important to have good manners.有禮貌非常重要。

17.Let me know if you visit Beijing.如果你往北京,便告诉我一聲。

18.How is your new job going?你的新事件怎樣呢?

19.It’s really great that you speak two languages.你能讲兩門說話實是太棒了。

20.The best way to learn English is to practice speakingiteveryday.進建英語的最好方法是每天要訓練說。

