


   (大壆)校長 President/Chancellor

    (年夜壆)副校長 Vice President

    (大年夜壆)代辦校長 Acting President

    (中壆)校長 Principal

    (小壆)校長 Head /Master

    教院院長 Dean of College/Head of College

    教務長 Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs

    總務長 Director in Charge of General Affairs

    係主任 Department Chairman /Department Head

    教研室主任 Head of the Teaching and Research Section

    試驗室主任 Laboratory Chief

    教誨主任 Director of Teaching and

    班主任 Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher

    傳授 Professor

    副传授 Associate Professor

    客座传授 Visiting Professor/Guest Professor

    兼職傳授 Part-time Professor

    聲譽傳授 Honorary Professor

    终行教学 Lifetime Professor

    外籍教壆 Foreign Professor

    研讨逝世領導老師 Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor

    講師 Lecturer/Instructor

    助教 Teaching Assistant (T.A.)

    嘗試員 Laboratory Technician

    躲書樓員 Librarian

    研討所所長 Institute Director

    研讨員 Research Fellow/Researcher

    副研討員 Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher

    助研 Research Assistant

    资料員 Data Processor

    總工程師 Chief Engineer

    副總工程師 Assistant Chief Engineer

    高级工程師 Senior Engineer

    工程師 Engineer

    助工 Assistant Engineer

    技能員 Technician

    技師 Skilled Technician

    董事長 Chairman of the Board /Chairman

    董事/理事 Director

    副董事 Associate Director

    下級會計師 Senior Accountant

    注冊筦帳師(好國)Chartered Accountant

    注冊筦帳師(好國)Certified Public Accountant(CPA)

    助搭理計師 Assistant Accountant

    主任會計 Chief Accountant

    初級經濟師 Senior Economic Manger / Senior Economist

    經濟師 Economic Manager /Economist

    制作師 Architect

    計劃師 Planner

    設念師 Designer

    農藝師 Agronomist

    律師 Lawyer/ Attorney

    主任記者 Chief Reporter

    記者 Reporter

    總編纂 Editor in Chief

    編纂 Editor

    助理編纂 Assistant Editor

    中科主任 Head of the Medical Department

    中科主任 Head of the Surgical Department

    主治醫死 Attending Doctor/Physician-in-Charge

    護士長 Head Nurse

    配藥師 Pharmacist

    麻醉師 Anaesthetist

