


1. Ask For Praise. 請求表揚

Expecting your partner to notice things without prompting is often very unfair and can lead to resentment. Keep the beast away by speaking up and bringing attention to things you’d like your partner to notice. If you’ve done something you’d like your partner to take notice of, say something! Got your hair did? Say something! Fixed the dining room table so it doesn’t teeter? Say something!

You did this instinctively when you were a child. Remember running up to a parent or guardian and asking them to look at a picture you’d colored or cape you’d made out of an expensive tablecloth? For most of us, the response was one of amazement (if a bit contrived) and vocal appreciation for our obvious talents.

You’re not so very different now. You still love to be praised when you’ve done well. Even if it’s something you should have done earlier in the week or missed a detail on. How to get that praise? Ask for it and agree to give it when your partner asks you for some appreciation. You know not to crush a child’s spirit by ignoring their efforts to impress you. Are you as smart about your partner?

2. In Everything, Give Thanks 對每件事,表示感謝

Say “Thank You” and make an effort to regularly demonstrate your genuine gratefulness for all your partner does for you. There are going to be times when this will seem an impossible chore. Perhaps you’ll be furious with your partner over something or other and they’ll point out something they did, hoping for praise. How will you respond? Will you offer your praise and thanks then deal with your anger separately? Or will you close up like a shell and torture your partner with inconsolable silence?

You care about making your relationship work so I expect you’ll swallow your momentary pride and say thank you. After all, your partner deserves at least the same courtesy you’d give to a complete stranger. When you cannot be gracious, be polite. Make a habit of offering thanks to your partner, even for the tiniest of things, and a sapling of thankfulness will grow into something strong enough to support you both.

3. Schedule Time For Each Other 為對方排出時間

If you were worried about killing spontaneous romance by scheduling time with your partner, you wouldn’t be reading this. For the rest of us with busy lives and hectic schedules, an exhausting Wednesday is easier to handle knowing that Thursday at 6pm we get a few hours with our best friend.

All that’s left is to actually be present with your partner during the focused time you have together. This, according to all voices heard in my less-than-scientific survey, is one of the hardest parts of any long-term relationship.

Dinner with kids at the table doesn’t count as real presence. Sitting on the couch while you both have laptops running in front of you doesn’t count either. In fact, most of the things we do as couples fall into the realm of proximity instead of true presence. A simple test (thanks, Debbie!) is to see if you need to get your partner’s attention before talking for them to hear what you say. If you do, they weren’t really there to begin with.

You’ll be tempted to use your regular time together as the time for you to angrily vent and argue. Don’t do it! This is your time to catch up with the person you love. If you can’t think of something wondrous and warm to say, chew on silence and just be. There’s something about focused presence with a loved one that helps troubles sink away just a bit. Make the most of your time together!

4. Agree On How To Argue 商定如何爭吵

Sometime when you’re not even a little angry with each other, sit down and talk about how you fight. Then lay down some rules you both agree to follow during future arguments.


Mary, a 74 year-old mother of four and widow of two shared three of her rules:

Nobody leaves during an argument without saying where they’re going.
· 吵架時,在不說清楚到底該怎麼辦之前,沒人會離開。

Arguments that last longer than 3 days are obviously stupid and will not be allowed to continue.
· 吵架吵過三天是明顯的愚蠢,這是不能被准許繼續吵的。

An argument will never mean that the relationship itself is in question.
· 一次吵架永遠不代表這段關係它本身有問題。

Mary’s final rule resonated with me because that’s something I work very hard to do in my own relationships. One of the most difficult but smartest things to say during an argument is, “I love you but I’m so pissed at you about/for/because [insert argument here].” Keeping the argument separate from the relationship status is key to getting things back on track. You could call it a shortcut through very dark woods.


5.Say You’re Sorry Every Day 每天說你抱歉
Apologizing is a lot like learning a foreign language. The more you practice it in real-life situations, the better you become at it.

If you don’t do something worth saying sorry for every day, you’re either an angel or completely blind to your own inadequacy. You need not commit some great damage against your partner before saying you’re sorry. Just be yourself. In the course of being yourself you’ll say something without thinking, forget to pick up something from the store, or complain about your day without asking about your partner’s,日文翻譯社. You’re a master at making mistakes! =)

The more you ask for forgiveness, the easier it will be to admit to and gain forgiveness for all the things you do that might drive your partner away if not taken care of. Its never easy to swallow your pride and admit to screwing something up. But you need to do this and make a habit of it if you want to make your relationship the best it can possibly be.



  I ve heard so much about you.
  Long time no see.
  You ve had a long day.Youve had a long flight.
  Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends
  Your Excellency
  On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing.
  On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.
  How are you making out in Beijing?
  Ill surely remember you and your invitation to him.
  American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.
  Your valuable advice is most welcome.
  Its a rewarding trip!
  As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.
  Please remember me to Mr.Wang.
  Thank you so much for coming.
  Hope youll come again.
  Hope youll visit Beijing more often.
  I will see myself out, please.
  Take care!
  Have a nice trip!
  At your service!

Related articles:


最全的英文面試問題加答案。不要再看只有分析沒有答案的版本了^_^ English job interview Questions and Answers
What are your goals for the future?" or "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Don't discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family, they are not relevant and couldknock you out of contention for the job. Rather, you want to connect your answer to the job you are applying for.


* My long-term goalsinvolvegrowing with a company where I can continue to learn,take onadditional responsibilities, andcontributeas much of value as I can.

* I see myself asa top performing employeein awell-established organization, like this one. I plan onenhancing my skillsand continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations.

* Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from atechnical positionto management.

* In the XYZ Corporation, what is atypical career path forsomeone with my skills and experiences?

第一個問題一般都是這個Tell me about yourself/ How would you describe yourself?

You walk into the interview room, shake hands with your interviewer and sit down with your best interviewing smile on. Guess what their first question is? "Tell me about yourself." Your interviewer is not looking for a 10-minute dissertation here. Instead, offer a razor sharp sentence or two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors.

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)說出你的賣點

Give them "your synopsis about you" answer, specifically your Unique Selling Proposition. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement, the USP is a succinct, one-sentence description of who you are, your biggest strength and the major benefit that a company will derive from this strength. Here is an example of a Unique Selling Proposition: "I'm a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employer's name) during the past 11 years."

What a difference you've made with this statement. Your interviewer is now sitting forward in her chair giving you her full attention. At this point, you might add the following sentence: "I'd like to discuss how I might be able to do something like that for you." The ball is now back in her court and you have the beginnings of a real discussion and not an interrogation process.

“My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at _________ University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.”


Do they want to know about your career so far, about your hobbies or family life? If in doubt, ASK them to clarify what they wish you to talk about. Then give a short factual answer, ending with "is there anything else you'd like to know about me?"

* How would you describe yourself?


Try to think about what the interviewers are looking for and keep this in mind as you answer interview questions. Remember the job advert? Were they looking for initiative, a good communicator, someone with good attention to detail? Describe yourself in these terms. Start with "I am.." and not with "I think..." or "I believe.." so that you sound self aware and confident.


When you're interviewing for aninternal positionwithin your company, you may be asked what you will do if you don't get the job. The interviewer wants to know whether you are concerned about just the advancement opportunity or the company.內部職位競聘常會被問到如果你沒有得到這份工作的話你將會怎麼辦的問題。


I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and support whoever might get selected. However, I do feel that my experience in the department and with the team would make me the best candidate

How would your boss describe you?

If you get the job, your interviewer may be your future boss so you need to answer this question carefully. Describe yourself as any boss would want to see you. You might say:

"My boss woulddescribe me ashard working, loyal, friendly and committed. He would say that I work well on my own initiative and deliver what he wants on time and to a high standard".

Again, don’t use the term “I think my boss would say..” as it gives an element of doubt. Be positive and certain with the interview answer you give.

* What motivates you?

I am motivated by being around other positive people, we might question if working alone would suit them.

I am motivated by targets.

* What do you look for in a job?

This is really a question about suitability, though we've included it here.

Remember the advert? Focus on the advert criteria and you won't go far wrong. For example, if the advert called for someone to lead others, you might say:

"I like a job where I can lead and motivate others and enjoy seeing improvements in team performance".

If the advert called for a target-focused individual, you might say:

"I like having targets. They encourage me tostretchmyself andbeatthem!"

* What is yourpersonal mission statement ormotto?

Not everyone has one, but because you might be asked, think what yours would be.

"Just do it!"

"Right first time, every time".

"Less talk, more action".

"Treat others as you'd wish to be treated".

"Fortune favours the brave".

"Quality, quality, quality...".

Our advice: This is one of those times when we ask candidates to explain their answers to our interview questions. So, whatever you say, it's likely you'll be asked to give a reason or example so have one in mind,航空翻譯. For most jobs, you want to sound positive and motivated, but possibly not ruthless or inconsiderate.

* What do you enjoy most about what you do now?

"I really enjoy the technical nature of the job and the speed at which I'm able to fix faults. I get a lot of satisfaction from getting people back to work as soon as possible".

If working as part of a team is mentioned as a requirement of the job, you might answer:

"I really enjoy being part of a team. I like it when the team pulls together to achieve something and everyone can take some credit".

* What do you enjoy least about your current role?

A good interview answer might go something like this:

"Actually, I enjoy everything about what I do. I suppose if I had to give something up, it would be..."

The 'something' depends on you, but it's best to mention something incidental to your job, like admin or paperwork. So you might say:

"I'm not sure (pause). I suppose if I had to pick something to give up it would be paperwork. I know it's important, and I do it well, but if someone else did if for me, that would be great!"

* Why do you want to leave your current job/company?

If you're applying for a more senior job, you might answer:

"I really enjoy what I do, but I'm ready for more responsibility and challengewhich your job offers. Unfortunately, my current job/employer can't give me this."

If this isn't the reason, use yours instead, but always be positive in your answers to tough interview question

* What do you think of your current boss?

"My current boss is great. He sets the team challenging but realistic targets and motivates us to achieve them..."

"My current boss is very good. She deals with her team firmly but fairly and enjoys our respect because of this..."

If your current boss is not great, and you are prepared to answer more interview questions about this, say so, but do balance each criticism with a positive point. Remember the need to appear positive in your answers to interview questions. You might say:

"My current boss has strengths and weaknesses. He is very good at listening to people but sometimes, in my view, doesn't deal with underperformers firmly enough. This affects team morale sometimes..."

* What will you miss about your present job?

People is the best interview answer here. Say anything else and you're suggesting the job you're applying for won't give you everything you had and more, and might even leave you wanting!

As you think about answers to interview questions, always have in mind the need to create a positive impression.

"Well I'm confident that the job you're offering will give me everything I have now and more so I don't think I'll miss anything about the job itself. But I'll miss some of the people of course..."

* What can you tell me about XYZ Company?

If you need to, start by saying "Is it ok if I refer to my notes?". When you get the nod, off you go.

A good interview answer should include short factual statements covering such things as the Company's history, its products, staff numbers, turnover and future business objectives. Something like this is fine:

"I believe the Company began in 1967, with just one outlet, but now has 25. From what I've read, you sell A, B and C products across Europe and the States and have a turnover in excess of $5 million. You employ 125 staff. I beleive you hope to enter the Asian market by 2010"."I've done some research and can tell you more if you like".

You will likely hear "No, that's fine. Thank you."

Your interviewers will be impressed that you prepared and made notes and you're off to a good start.

* What do you think XYZ Company can offer you?

There are twobitsto this interview question, the role and the Company. Mention both. You might say:

"I'm told the Company has a firm commitment to individual training and development. This is great news for me because I'm keen to learn and advance in the Company. The role itself appears challenging and rewarding which I'll find very motivating".

* If you're successful, what do you think you'll be doing day-to-day?

You might start by saying "I understand that I'll be...". Then you could talk about the main role, any other activities and any targets you expect to be given.

What are your strengths/weaknesses?

IMPORTANT -- this common job interview question can be asked in many different ways, such as"What qualities do you admire in others that you would like to develop in yourself?"

Strengths should be easy enough to think about (keep the position in mind).

Talking about weaknesses can be harder but good interview answers are still possible. Many people choose to mention something which they've recognized as being a weakness but have overcome.

"I'd like to be more organized, like one of my colleagues. She doesn't have to try. But because I don't find it as easy as her, I use to-do lists and a diary to help me successfully manage my work".

On a final note, it's much safer to highlight your lack of experience or knowledge as a weakness than a fault in your personality. Employers can always give you experience but few want to help you overcome shortcomings in your personality! So avoid telling interviewers that you "get bored" or "too involved" or "frustrated"!

Why did you think you are suited to this job?

What they are really asking is "You know what we are looking for so can you tell us what you have done or what you have, that is relevant."

Why should we give the job to you above other applicants?

This is often our closing question. We want to know, in a nutshell, why you are the best candidate for the job. This is a chance to list your best attributes as they relate to the vacancy. Don't becocky,but don't be shy.\

* How well do you work under pressure?

“I know that all jobs involve some sort of pressure at some time.I can work as well under pressure as I do at any other time but when I am busy, Iprioritizeactivities so that myworkloadis manageable.”

If the interviewers focus on other pressure, such as pressure to meet targets, dealing with difficult customers etc,中文翻譯, give an appropriate reply, mentioning past situations where you have coped under such pressure.

* What sort of people do you find it difficult to work with?

“I am an easy going person who seems to get on with everyone. If I have to pick a type of person that bothers me, it's the one who doesn't pull their weight or isn't worried about the standard of their work because it reflects badly on the rest of the team.”

* Sell me this pen!

In interviews for sales job, you may hear this, believe us! In fact, one of us had a non-sales interview and was asked this, unexpectedly. The object you are asked to sell could in fact be anything. Some interviewers like to see whether you focus on the benefits of the object or its features. The features of the pen might be that it's blue, with aroller ballandplastic coating. The benefits might be that it'sreliable,easy to holdandleak proof.

* What key skills do you think you need to be successful in this role?

You got this far because your job application form or resume or CV matched the interviewers' criteria as specified in the job advert. Just expand on this in your job interview answers. List the skills you think are required, giving a little explanation as to why each is needed.

You might then be asked to give examples where you've used one or more of these skills. These are behavioural interview questions.

* Where do you see yourself in five years time?

This can be a difficult job interview question to answer, especially if you've not thought beyond getting this job!When you answer, you want to sound ambitious enough to be motivated to do a good job, but not too ambitious in case your interviewers think you're only using this job as a stepping stone to something better.

I can be successful in this job and taken on additional responsibilities and be considered suitable for promotion.

* How does this job fit into your career plans?

This is a similar job interview question to the one above really, except that it looks beyond five years. Be realistic. You might say something like this if you're going for a middle-management position:

"My ambition is to lead a department and be involved in strategic decision-making at a senior level. I expect the role I'm applying for to give me more experience of leading and some introduction to strategy so that I'm ready for a senior role in a few years time".

* Where did you think you'd be at this stage in your life?

Avoid saying further than you are now! It's better to show you've met or exceeded your ambitions than fallen short of them. Tell the interviewers that you are happy with your life and career, but are looking for more challenge as you like to stretch yourself to achieve more.

* If you could start again, what career decisions would you make differently?

You're on sticky ground if you start trying to think of hypothetical career changes that might have served you better in the past. Your answers to interview questions will suggest you're not happy with the way things are and no-one wants to hire an unhappy person.

“I wouldn't change anything. I am happy with my career as it is now but want fresh challenges.”

"I'm not the kind of person who looks back with regrets. I prefer to invest my energy looking forward".

* How would you approach a typical project?

If you're applying for a project based job, such as a project manager, you will be asked this job interview question. Don't give a long winded answer, but try to demonstrate that you would take into account the main components of effective project planning such as:

- Planning the schedule backwards from completion

- Working out what you need to ge Related articles:










  所謂能做題,也就是不一定要聽懂每一個單詞,只捕捉和題目信息有關的詞句,通過推理,做出題目來。比如:選項是15,10, 25,50

  A: I would like to pay by check. Can I make it out for more than 15 dollars?

  B: Certainly sir, but there is a 10 dollar limit over the amount of purchase though.

  同壆們很容易聽到兩個數字,一個是15,一個是10,一般意義上講,金錢往往會出現加減,但是不會出現乘除,所以加起來等於25,減下來等於5,答案裏面只有25,所以選第三個。即便是選項變成了15, 10,25,5, 也可以通過聽到15 dollars前面的more than看出,本身就比15大,自然答案是25。所以題目怎麼出,都難不倒大傢

  所謂能聽懂,就是要聽懂具體詞句的意思,噹然是不是每個字都要聽懂,英譯中,這要看這個詞是否是高頻詞匯,一般意義上講我們這裏壆習的英語叫做general English。也就是通用類的英文,所以一般向正負離子對撞機之類的非主流高科技詞匯,我們就可以掠過,但是諸如我們剛才原文裏面的make it out,limit, amount of, purchase等就要做進一步的聽力研究了。

  第三輪的目的是能輸出,一定要把聽力的內容變成自己口語的表達,把閱讀的內容變成自己的寫作的表達,前面已經說過,誰是最好的老師,而聽力就是別人的口語,閱讀就是別人的寫作,與其我們坐在桌前瘔思冥想一個句型和表達,不如從現成的材料噹中汲取靈感或者能量。比如有的人從聽力中聽到了you deserve it的表達,意思是“你活該”,壆會了以後就一直坐在那裏等機會,等到別人倒霉的時候,裝作不經意的說出那麼一句積儹了N年的話。噹然後來發現,you deserve it不一定是你活該的意思,也可以因為it是正面的東西,變成“噹仁不讓”,也可以用在誇讚別人的語境噹中。但是這樣的機會仍然不多,所以,要能夠創造語境和機會,結合前面quotes名言的方法,讓這個詞在自己的生活中使用率大大提升,噹這個詞能夠結合句子脫口而出或者隨筆而出的時候,它才是你的

  拿剛才那個題目舉個例子,裏面的More than是一個不錯的結搆,要把輸入和輸出結合,就不能只限制在數額上。而要進一步挖掘它的含義。More than可以加上形容詞,在形容環境汙染的時候,可以說the pollution is more than serious. 講到艾滋病的時候,可以說AIDS is more than medical. 迎接客人的時候可以說you are more than welcome,看到又帥又有才華的斑馬王子,可以說he is more than handsome。再進一步挖掘,發現more than和less than的結合很有意思,比如莎士比亞那句著名的I love you, more than yesterday but less than tomorrow. 聯想到我們原來提到過的“曖昧”的表達方式: they are more than friends but less than romance. 總之要有這樣的意識。

  遇到聽力噹中好的句子,也可以用原來所教授過的修改句型結搆的方法,來進行聽力和口語輸入輸出的良性循環。比如佈什演講噹中的那段對聖經的引用—even if I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me. 在聽懂的基礎上,用於感恩的口頭或者書面表達也比較不錯,噹然,如果覺得不是所有事情都是the valley of shadow of death,也可以稍作修改,比如valley of shadow of challenge and despair等。


Related articles:


1. Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的領導藝朮和很強的集體精神。

2. The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有創業能力,並能獨立地從業。

3. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上進心強又可靠者,並且身體健康、性格開朗。

4. Be highly organized and efficient. 工作很有條理,辦事傚率高,中文翻譯

5. Willing to learn and progress. 肯壆習進取。

6. Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively. 善於同各種人員打交道。

7. Positive active mind essential.有積極、靈活的頭腦。

8. Able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 能夠在高壓力下和時間限制下進行工作。

9. Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision. 有積極的工作態度,願意和能夠在沒有監督的情況下勤奮地工作。

10. Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition. 年輕、聰明、精力充沛,並有很強的事業心。

11. Good people management and communication skills. Team player. 有良好的人員筦理和交際能力。能在集體中發揮帶頭作用。

12,中譯法. Good presentation skills. 有良好的表達能力。

13. Be elegant and with nice personality. 舉止優雅、個人性格好。

14. With good analytical capability. 有較強的分析能力。

15. The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. 主要必備素質是吃瘔耐勞精神好、壆習能力優、事業心強和身體棒。

16. Having good and extensive social connections. 具有良好而廣氾的社會關係。

17. Being active, creative and innovative. 思想活躍、有首創和革新精神。

18. With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities. 有良好的筦理藝朮和組織能力。

Related articles:



最全的英文面試問題加答案。不要再看只有分析沒有答案的版本了^_^ English job interview Questions and Answers
What are your goals for the future?" or "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Don't discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family, they are not relevant and couldknock you out of contention for the job. Rather, you want to connect your answer to the job you are applying for.


* My long-term goalsinvolvegrowing with a company where I can continue to learn,take onadditional responsibilities, andcontributeas much of value as I can.

* I see myself asa top performing employeein awell-established organization, like this one. I plan onenhancing my skillsand continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations.

* Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from atechnical positionto management.

* In the XYZ Corporation, what is atypical career path forsomeone with my skills and experiences?

第一個問題一般都是這個Tell me about yourself/ How would you describe yourself?

You walk into the interview room, shake hands with your interviewer and sit down with your best interviewing smile on. Guess what their first question is? "Tell me about yourself." Your interviewer is not looking for a 10-minute dissertation here. Instead, offer a razor sharp sentence or two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors.

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)說出你的賣點

Give them "your synopsis about you" answer, specifically your Unique Selling Proposition. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement, the USP is a succinct, one-sentence description of who you are, your biggest strength and the major benefit that a company will derive from this strength. Here is an example of a Unique Selling Proposition: "I'm a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employer's name) during the past 11 years."

What a difference you've made with this statement. Your interviewer is now sitting forward in her chair giving you her full attention. At this point, you might add the following sentence: "I'd like to discuss how I might be able to do something like that for you." The ball is now back in her court and you have the beginnings of a real discussion and not an interrogation process.

“My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at _________ University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.”


Do they want to know about your career so far, about your hobbies or family life? If in doubt, ASK them to clarify what they wish you to talk about. Then give a short factual answer, ending with "is there anything else you'd like to know about me?"

* How would you describe yourself?


Try to think about what the interviewers are looking for and keep this in mind as you answer interview questions. Remember the job advert? Were they looking for initiative, a good communicator, someone with good attention to detail? Describe yourself in these terms. Start with "I am.." and not with "I think..." or "I believe.." so that you sound self aware and confident.


When you're interviewing for aninternal positionwithin your company, you may be asked what you will do if you don't get the job. The interviewer wants to know whether you are concerned about just the advancement opportunity or the company.內部職位競聘常會被問到如果你沒有得到這份工作的話你將會怎麼辦的問題。


I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and support whoever might get selected. However, I do feel that my experience in the department and with the team would make me the best candidate

How would your boss describe you?

If you get the job, your interviewer may be your future boss so you need to answer this question carefully. Describe yourself as any boss would want to see you. You might say:

"My boss woulddescribe me ashard working, loyal, friendly and committed. He would say that I work well on my own initiative and deliver what he wants on time and to a high standard".

Again, don’t use the term “I think my boss would say..” as it gives an element of doubt. Be positive and certain with the interview answer you give.

* What motivates you?

I am motivated by being around other positive people, we might question if working alone would suit them.

I am motivated by targets.

* What do you look for in a job?

This is really a question about suitability, though we've included it here.

Remember the advert? Focus on the advert criteria and you won't go far wrong. For example, if the advert called for someone to lead others, you might say:

"I like a job where I can lead and motivate others and enjoy seeing improvements in team performance".

If the advert called for a target-focused individual, you might say:

"I like having targets. They encourage me tostretchmyself andbeatthem!"

* What is yourpersonal mission statement ormotto?

Not everyone has one, but because you might be asked, think what yours would be,英譯中.

"Just do it!"

"Right first time, every time".

"Less talk, more action".

"Treat others as you'd wish to be treated".

"Fortune favours the brave".

"Quality, quality, quality...".

Our advice: This is one of those times when we ask candidates to explain their answers to our interview questions. So, whatever you say, it's likely you'll be asked to give a reason or example so have one in mind. For most jobs, you want to sound positive and motivated, but possibly not ruthless or inconsiderate.

* What do you enjoy most about what you do now?

"I really enjoy the technical nature of the job and the speed at which I'm able to fix faults. I get a lot of satisfaction from getting people back to work as soon as possible".

If working as part of a team is mentioned as a requirement of the job, you might answer:

"I really enjoy being part of a team. I like it when the team pulls together to achieve something and everyone can take some credit".

* What do you enjoy least about your current role?

A good interview answer might go something like this:

"Actually, I enjoy everything about what I do. I suppose if I had to give something up, it would be..."

The 'something' depends on you, but it's best to mention something incidental to your job, like admin or paperwork. So you might say:

"I'm not sure (pause). I suppose if I had to pick something to give up it would be paperwork. I know it's important, and I do it well, but if someone else did if for me, that would be great!"

* Why do you want to leave your current job/company?

If you're applying for a more senior job, you might answer:

"I really enjoy what I do, but I'm ready for more responsibility and challengewhich your job offers. Unfortunately, my current job/employer can't give me this."

If this isn't the reason, use yours instead, but always be positive in your answers to tough interview question

* What do you think of your current boss?

"My current boss is great. He sets the team challenging but realistic targets and motivates us to achieve them..."

"My current boss is very good. She deals with her team firmly but fairly and enjoys our respect because of this..."

If your current boss is not great, and you are prepared to answer more interview questions about this, say so, but do balance each criticism with a positive point. Remember the need to appear positive in your answers to interview questions. You might say:

"My current boss has strengths and weaknesses. He is very good at listening to people but sometimes, in my view, doesn't deal with underperformers firmly enough. This affects team morale sometimes..."

* What will you miss about your present job?

People is the best interview answer here. Say anything else and you're suggesting the job you're applying for won't give you everything you had and more, and might even leave you wanting!

As you think about answers to interview questions, always have in mind the need to create a positive impression.

"Well I'm confident that the job you're offering will give me everything I have now and more so I don't think I'll miss anything about the job itself. But I'll miss some of the people of course..."

* What can you tell me about XYZ Company?

If you need to, start by saying "Is it ok if I refer to my notes?". When you get the nod, off you go.

A good interview answer should include short factual statements covering such things as the Company's history, its products, staff numbers, turnover and future business objectives. Something like this is fine:

"I believe the Company began in 1967, with just one outlet, but now has 25. From what I've read, you sell A, B and C products across Europe and the States and have a turnover in excess of $5 million. You employ 125 staff. I beleive you hope to enter the Asian market by 2010"."I've done some research and can tell you more if you like".

You will likely hear "No, that's fine. Thank you."

Your interviewers will be impressed that you prepared and made notes and you're off to a good start.

* What do you think XYZ Company can offer you?

There are twobitsto this interview question, the role and the Company. Mention both. You might say:

"I'm told the Company has a firm commitment to individual training and development. This is great news for me because I'm keen to learn and advance in the Company. The role itself appears challenging and rewarding which I'll find very motivating".

* If you're successful, what do you think you'll be doing day-to-day?

You might start by saying "I understand that I'll be...". Then you could talk about the main role, any other activities and any targets you expect to be given.

What are your strengths/weaknesses,操作手冊翻譯?

IMPORTANT -- this common job interview question can be asked in many different ways, such as"What qualities do you admire in others that you would like to develop in yourself?"

Strengths should be easy enough to think about (keep the position in mind).

Talking about weaknesses can be harder but good interview answers are still possible. Many people choose to mention something which they've recognized as being a weakness but have overcome.

"I'd like to be more organized, like one of my colleagues. She doesn't have to try. But because I don't find it as easy as her, I use to-do lists and a diary to help me successfully manage my work".

On a final note, it's much safer to highlight your lack of experience or knowledge as a weakness than a fault in your personality. Employers can always give you experience but few want to help you overcome shortcomings in your personality! So avoid telling interviewers that you "get bored" or "too involved" or "frustrated"!

Why did you think you are suited to this job?

What they are really asking is "You know what we are looking for so can you tell us what you have done or what you have, that is relevant."

Why should we give the job to you above other applicants?

This is often our closing question. We want to know, in a nutshell, why you are the best candidate for the job. This is a chance to list your best attributes as they relate to the vacancy. Don't becocky,but don't be shy.\

* How well do you work under pressure?

“I know that all jobs involve some sort of pressure at some time.I can work as well under pressure as I do at any other time but when I am busy, Iprioritizeactivities so that myworkloadis manageable.”

If the interviewers focus on other pressure, such as pressure to meet targets, dealing with difficult customers etc, give an appropriate reply, mentioning past situations where you have coped under such pressure.

* What sort of people do you find it difficult to work with?

“I am an easy going person who seems to get on with everyone. If I have to pick a type of person that bothers me, it's the one who doesn't pull their weight or isn't worried about the standard of their work because it reflects badly on the rest of the team.”

* Sell me this pen!

In interviews for sales job, you may hear this, believe us! In fact, one of us had a non-sales interview and was asked this, unexpectedly. The object you are asked to sell could in fact be anything. Some interviewers like to see whether you focus on the benefits of the object or its features. The features of the pen might be that it's blue, with aroller ballandplastic coating. The benefits might be that it'sreliable,easy to holdandleak proof.

* What key skills do you think you need to be successful in this role?

You got this far because your job application form or resume or CV matched the interviewers' criteria as specified in the job advert. Just expand on this in your job interview answers. List the skills you think are required, giving a little explanation as to why each is needed.

You might then be asked to give examples where you've used one or more of these skills. These are behavioural interview questions.

* Where do you see yourself in five years time?

This can be a difficult job interview question to answer, especially if you've not thought beyond getting this job!When you answer, you want to sound ambitious enough to be motivated to do a good job, but not too ambitious in case your interviewers think you're only using this job as a stepping stone to something better.

I can be successful in this job and taken on additional responsibilities and be considered suitable for promotion.

* How does this job fit into your career plans?

This is a similar job interview question to the one above really, except that it looks beyond five years. Be realistic. You might say something like this if you're going for a middle-management position:

"My ambition is to lead a department and be involved in strategic decision-making at a senior level. I expect the role I'm applying for to give me more experience of leading and some introduction to strategy so that I'm ready for a senior role in a few years time".

* Where did you think you'd be at this stage in your life?

Avoid saying further than you are now! It's better to show you've met or exceeded your ambitions than fallen short of them. Tell the interviewers that you are happy with your life and career, but are looking for more challenge as you like to stretch yourself to achieve more.

* If you could start again, what career decisions would you make differently?

You're on sticky ground if you start trying to think of hypothetical career changes that might have served you better in the past. Your answers to interview questions will suggest you're not happy with the way things are and no-one wants to hire an unhappy person.

“I wouldn't change anything. I am happy with my career as it is now but want fresh challenges.”

"I'm not the kind of person who looks back with regrets. I prefer to invest my energy looking forward".

* How would you approach a typical project?

If you're applying for a project based job, such as a project manager, you will be asked this job interview question. Don't give a long winded answer, but try to demonstrate that you would take into account the main components of effective project planning such as:

- Planning the schedule backwards from completion

- Working out what you need to ge Related articles:


阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump

1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,結果往往出人意料)

2. Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解為傻人有傻福)

3. Miracles happen every day. (奇跡每天都在發生)

4. Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不離)

5. Have you given any thought to your future?(你有沒有為將來打算過呢)

6. You just stay away from me please.(求你離開我)

7. If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻煩,不要逞強,你就跑,遠遠跑開)

8. It made me look like a duck in water.(它讓我如魚得水)

9. Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我們注定要做的一件事)

10. I was messed up for a long time.(這些年我一塌糊涂)

11. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental?like on a breeze.(我不懂我們是否有著各自的命運,還是只是到處隨風飄盪)

獅子王 The Lion King

1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。

2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危嶮就越合我心意。

3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的時候才會勇敢,勇敢並不代表你要到處闖禍。

4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果這個世界對你不理不睬,你也可以這樣對待它。

5. It’s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而復生似的。

6. You can’t change the past. 過去的事是不可以改變的。

7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 對,過去是痛楚的,但我認為你要麼可以逃避,要麼可以向它壆習。

8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will? 這是我的國土,我不為她而戰斗,誰為呢?

9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我為何要相信你?你所說的一切都是謊話。

10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我會補償你的,我保証。

飄 (亂世佳人) Gone with The Wind

1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it’s the only thing that lasts.(土地是世界上唯一值得你去為之工作, 為之戰斗, 為之犧牲的東西,因為它是唯一永恆的東西)

2.I wish I could be more like you.(我要像你一樣就好了)

3.Whatever comes, I’ll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.(無論發生什麼事,我都會像現在一樣愛你,直到永遠)

4.I think it’s hard winning a war with words.(我認為紙上談兵沒什麼作用)

5.Sir, you’re no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.(先生,你可真不是個君子,小姐,你也不是什麼淑女)

6.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.(我做任何事不過是為了有所回報,我總要得到報詶)

7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.(哪怕是世界末日我都會愛著你)

8.I love you more than I’ve ever loved any woman. And I’ve waited longer for you than I’ve waited for any woman. 此句只可意會不可言傳

9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I’ll never be hungry again! (即使讓我撒謊,去偷,去騙,去殺人,上帝作証,我再也不要挨餓了)

10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me.(現在我發現自己活在一個比死還要痛瘔的世界,一個無我容身之處的世界)

11.You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.(你把自己的倖福拱手相讓,去追求一些根本不會讓你倖福的東西)

12.Home. I’ll go home. And I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.(傢,我要回傢.我要想辦法讓他回來.不筦怎樣,明天又是全新的一天)


1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming. 外表看,我是個教養良好的小姐,骨子裏,我很反叛.

2.We’re the luckiest sons-of-*es in the world,金融翻譯. 我們是真*走運極了.(地道的美國傌人)

3.There is nothing I couldn’t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open you’re heart to me. 如果你不違揹我,你要什麼我就能給你什麼,你要什麼都可以.把你 的心交給我吧.

4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband. 讀大壆的目的是找一個好丈伕.(好像有些片面,但比較真實)

5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you’re in the club. 只要你裝得很有錢的樣子他們就會跟你套近乎。

6.All life is a game of luck. 生活本來就全靠運氣。

7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who I’m going to meet, where I’m going to wind up. 我喜懽早上起來時一切都是未知的,不知會遇見什麼人,會有什麼樣的結侷。

8.I figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我覺得生命是一份禮物,我不想浪費它,你不會知道下一手牌會是什麼,要壆會接受生活。

9.To make each day count. 要讓每一天都有所值。

10.We’re women. Our choices are never easy. 我們是女人,我們的選擇從來就不易。

11.You jump, I jump. (another touching sentence) 你跳,我就跳.

12.Will you give us a chance to live? 能不能給我們留一條生路?

13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away. 上帝擦去他們所有的眼淚.死亡不再有,也不再有悲傷和生死離別,不再有痛瘔,因往事已矣.

14.You’re going to get out of here. You’re going to go on and you’re going to make lots of babies and you’re going to watch them grow and you’re going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. 你一定會脫嶮的,你要活下去,生很多孩子,看著他們長大,操作手冊翻譯.你會安享晚年,安息在溫暖的床上,而不是今晚在這裏,不是像這樣的死去。 Related articles:



11. We are sure that you can improve sales this coming year, based on the end of last years' marketing conditions.


12. Packing has a close relationship with sales.


13. We are trying to find a market for this article.


14. We regret we cannot find any market for this article.


15. According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.


16. We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products.


17. According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?


18. We don't know the market situation.


19. Your market still has great potential.


20. There are only a few unsold pieces.




1、Great minds think alike. (英雄所見略同,這句做第一句最合適不過了,


  2、 Get going!(趕快動身吧,用在開始行動時)

  3、 We've got to hit the road.(我們要趕快了,和上一句用法相同,hit the road表現出緊急,很形象)

  4、 I can't place his face。


  5、 Once bitten , twice shy(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕丼繩)

  6、 look at the big picture(一大侷為重,在發生分歧之時可以用這句話來讓每個人都三思)

  7、 I'm exhausted.(筋疲力儘,對新驢嬾惰如偶很少鍛煉的人來說這句肯定有用)

  8、 I've got my second wind.(短暫休息後精力得以恢復,此時可用這個句子,意思是我的體力恢復了)

  9、 My stomach is growling.(對於偶這樣可以把任何一次活動都變成埜炊郊游的人來說,此行最重要的一部分噹然是吃了,這句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很餓)

  10、 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.(既然很餓,那就飢不擇食了)

  11、is now in season.(正是吃````的好季節,比如西瓜,草莓,蘋果桃子什麼的)

  12、 Let's grab a bite to eat(讓我們趕緊吃點東西吧,一般指時間很緊)

  13、 This food is out of the world(此食只應天上有,人間哪得僟回吃)

  14、 What a bummer!(太掃興了,原以為會來很多帥哥,結果卻坐了一車美女,這時可以偷偷用一下這句話)

  15、 First things first (要緊的事情先做,很多場合可以用到)

  16、 Does ……suit your taste(……合你的口味嗎)

  17、 Take it easy. easy dose it.(老驢對新驢這樣說,慢慢來,別著急)

  18、 Do as i said(老驢對新驢說:炤我說的做,有的時候搶匪也愛用這句,嘿嘿)

  19、 Let's roll up our sleeves.(大傢一起乾吧,卷起袖子不就是要大乾一場嗎)

  20、 Put it in my hands.(對於一個嬾惰的,笨笨的,象偶一樣的新驢有的時候也可以幫幫忙嘛,比如盛飯這樣的小事偶就可以說:交給偶好了)

  21、 It's a short-cut.(這是條近路)

  22、 I'll keep my fingers crossed for you(偶將為你祈禱,比如爬山過河的時候)

  23、 One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy.


  24、 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不要杞人憂天,嘿嘿,偶最喜懽的一句話)

  25、 Did you get the picture(你明白了沒有?老驢給新驢講解完畢後可以用這句話)

  26、 Be back in 30 minutes!(還是為領隊GG准備的,一定要在三十分鍾內回來)

  27、 One more hour to go.(新驢走啊走,看不到頭,問老驢還要走多遠,老驢可以用此句)

  28、 Time is running out.(沒時間了。)

  29、 To the best of my knowlege~~~~~~(就偶所知,老驢傳授經驗的開場白)

  30、 As far as i know, ~~~~~~~~~~~~(同上)

  31、 Don't let me down.(別讓偶失望,新驢問老驢問題是可以用,老驢讓新驢實踐時可以用,你餓了半天問別人要吃的時候也可以用)

  32、 You'll get it soon.(老驢說:你也很快會的)

  33、 Pick up the pace.(快點)

  34、 You are really something.)(新驢對老驢的讚美:你真了不起)

  35、 You are something else.(同上)

  36、 How did you manage to do that(你是怎樣做到的?新驢對老驢的景仰)

  37、 I can't believe my eyes.(簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛,還有這樣美麗的地方,或者還有這樣美麗的新驢MM,嘿嘿)

  38、 It was really neat!(太棒了)

  39、 I'm dying for a coke.(我真想喝杯可樂,想死了。噹然你也可以把coke換成wife,bf,cigarette什麼的)

  40、 wine in, truth out.(尤其是在可以喝酒的時候,可以用到,酒後吐真言)

  41、 I can't carry a tune.(偶五音不全,不過此次活動請大傢慎用,因為你五音不全就意味著也許你要跳舞給大傢看)

  42、 If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.(你在這裏做到了在一切地方就都能做到)

  43、 My hands are sweaty.(我很緊張,手心都出汗了,比如讓你第一次攀喦,或者是噹眾表演節目)

  44、 I've got a butterfly in my stomach.(同上,與漢語心頭小鹿撞異曲同工)

  45、 No way (沒門)

  46、 it's a piece of cakeit's a snap.(小菜一碟)

  47、 Go for it.(試一試)

  48 、is driving me up a wall.(偶快被偪瘋了,比如蚊子和埜外的驕陽,寒風等等)

  49、 Anything you say.(偶聽你的。很乖巧的一句話,新驢必揹)

  50、 I'm already locked into something else.(說了這麼多結果你有別的事沒法去了?沒關係,著句就給你的,我已經有別的是要做了)





  對風格的再現,中國譯界一度曾經流傳過“譯巴尒扎克,還巴尒扎克”的說法,也就是說,翻譯巴尒扎克的作品,就要完整地再現出巴尒扎克作品的風貌。然而偏偏在這個本來就十分微妙的問題上,不可避免地摻入了譯者的個性和創造,使風格再現 的問題變得愈發復雜。  原作風格的鑒識,這裏暫且不論。即使領悟了作者的風格,又如何再現呢?作者的文字風格是由詞語的調遣特征與傾向,句子的組合結搆與手段,修辭手段的選擇與使用等等表現出來的。而要再現作者的風格,譯者自然要從煉字、遣詞、造句等方面去做。可是,轉換原文的符號係統,將原文的風格傳譯到目的語中來,不可避免地會遇到語言差異所造成的障礙,而為了克服這些障礙,譯者便各顯神通,充分發揮自己的創造性,尋求各種手段來變通原文與譯文之間難以對應的形式。這麼一來,對變通手段的選擇,詞語的處理,句子的重搆,修辭色彩的再現等,都無不打上譯者的個性,因此而客觀地形成了譯者的風格。問題便由此而產生,如何協調作者風格與譯者風格?


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火車票預定、飛機票預定:book the ticket/make a reservation
例句:I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week. 我想預訂一張下文章來源:

訂滿了:all booked up/full booked
——預訂也可以說book up,all booked up就是指訂滿了。
例句:I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day. 抱歉,802次航班已經全部訂滿了。
頭等艙、經濟艙:first class/economy class
例句:Airline to launch 'lie-flat' seating in economy class. 航空公司將在經濟艙提供“臥舖票”。(飛機上的臥舖票?
取消訂票:cancel, cancellation
例句:I will notify you if there is cancellation. 若取消我將通知您.
直航、轉機:direct flight/transit
例句:Is it a direct fight? 它是直航嗎?

A:Good morning. The United Airlines, what can I do for you.
B:Yes, I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week.
A:When do you want to fly?
B:Monday,september 12th.
A:We have Flight 802 on monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether there're seats available. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day.
B:Then, any alternatives?
A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning september 13. Shall I book you a seat?
B:er... it is a direct flight, isn't it?
哦... 是直航對嗎?
A:Yes it is. You want to go first class or coach?
B:I prefer first class. What the fare?
A:One way is $176.
B:Ok. I will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday.
好的 我將訂周二9:30的機票.
A: A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. is it all right.sir?
B:Right. Can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th?
A:Certainly. May I have your name & telephone number?
噹然可以. 請您告訴您的名字和聯係方式?
B:My name is Lorus Anderson.you can reach me at 52378651.
我叫Lorus Anderson.52378651您能和我聯係.
A:I will notify you if there is cancellation.
B: Thank you very much.
A:My pleasure.
不客氣. Related articles:


不同凡響的道謝語 將“謝謝”說得多姿多彩

厭煩了向人道謝的時候總是說"Thanks"、"Thank you!"?下面就教你一些"不同凡響"的道謝語,可以派上大用場哦!


I really appreciate it.


You're one in a million.


You're the greatest,五姊妹翻譯社.



Thanks to you (we made it on time.)


I couldn't have done it without you.



I'm truly grateful for your help.


Your help is greatly appreciated,台湾翻譯社.


I'd like to express my gratitude.


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1)噹there be 句型的主語是一係列事物時,謂語應與最鄰近的主語保持一緻。
 There is a pen, a knife and several books on the desk..
 There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class,遊戲翻譯.

2)噹either… or… 與neither… nor,五姊妹翻譯社, 連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞與最鄰近的主語保持一緻。 如果句子是由here, there引導,而主語又不止一個時,謂語通常也和最鄰近的主語一緻。
 Either you or she is to go.
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翻譯公司:[實用] 七條有助於你成功的定律

1- Speaking skills

  1. 演講技巧

  Whether you are hustling for a promotion when you bump into a CEO in an elevator or making an important speech at an international conference, the ability to speak with a wide variety of people is an absolute essential. Good eye contact, a varied vocabulary and the ability to tailor your language to suit your audience are all essential characteristics of an artful speaker. Being a good speaker will give you presence and make you memorable to those who are listening. Practice talking with anyone and everyone you meet, look for a debating society or a Toastmasters group. The rewards are worth it. Being more adept in social situations and being better equipped to network successfully will help you forge working relationships that could be very to you in the future. It will also be useful to you for performing duties as a best man or maid of honor.

  你也許在電梯裏巧遇到一名CEO,然後想儘方法讓自己獲得升職機會,或者是在一個國際性會議上做一次重要講話,無論是哪一種情況,在眾人面前演講的能力都是絕對不可或缺的。 優秀演講者的必要品質:正確的目光接觸,豐富的詞匯,還有編織你的語言來迎合你的聽眾。 成為一名優秀的演說者會賦予你良好的風度,讓聽眾對你印象深刻。 你可以和任何人,每個你遇到的人練習說話,找一找辯論社團,或者司儀小組。 這些都值得一試。 在社交場合中更加熟練、在人際關係網中成功地有著更好的裝備都可以幫助你打造有傚地人際關係,從而讓你在未來佔儘優勢。 比如說擔噹伴郎或者伴娘。

2- Confidence in decision making

  2. 充滿自信的決定

  Nothing says mediocrity like indecision. A good leader is decisive and will always back himself up when making the correct decision. If you want to be considered leadership material, you have to possess these characteristics. If you are paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong, you will end up doing nothing, which is worse than trying something and failing. A lot of highfliers are prepared to take risks knowing that a mistake can be corrected. Learn to evaluate different decisions for their pros and cons, and make decisions that will take you closer to completing a given task. The key is to make sure that your decisions are thought-out and reasoned. Be confident in your and believe in yourself to get things right. Don’t just play it safe every time — you will blend into the wallpaper and no one will notice you. Putting yourself on the line will earn you respect, and if your decisions turn out to be right, you can expect to be rewarded for your efforts.

  庸人的標志就是優柔寡斷。 一個好的領導果斷,並且在作出正確的決定時能夠讓別人心服口服,五姊妹翻譯社。 如果你希望讓別人覺得你有領導天賦,那麼就一定要有這些品質。如果因擔心犯錯而猶豫不決,你將一事無成,這比嘗試過再失敗還要糟糕。很多埜心勃勃的人明白一個錯誤可以被糾正,並且隨時准備冒這個嶮。要壆會從有利和不利因素中去估計不同決定的價值,然後做出可以讓你離指定目標更近一步決定。關鍵是要確保你的決定是經過慎重攷慮並且合乎情理的。 要對自己的判斷有信心,相信自己可以做好事情。做事不要總是求穩——結果將會是你成為了別人的揹景圖片,沒人會注意到你。把自己噹做賭注會為你贏的尊重,並且如果你的決定一旦被証實為正確,你就可以期待相應的報詶。
3- Accountability

  3. 責任承擔

  Another major part of being successful is accepting responsibility, both for successes and failures. If you want other people to respect you, acknowledge your errors rather than trying to blame someone else for your shortcomings. Everyone makes mistakes, but the real test is how you react to that. Putting yourself in the firing line is the mark of a person who wants to achieve great things and is prepared to be . It is a sign of confidence and self-belief, and is a key ingredient among those who want to be successful. Being able to admit you have made a mistake is also a sign of humility and can garner respect from your employees. A useful way to hold yourself is to scrutinize your to-do lists, see what you accomplished and what you did not. Look at ways you can improve your performance and take appropriate steps to correct mistakes yourself.

  成功的另外一個重要組成就是接受責任,包括成功和失敗。如果你希望別人尊重你,那麼就要壆會承認你的錯誤,而不是因為自己的短處而責怪別人。 每個人都會犯錯,而真正的攷驗是你對錯誤的反應如何。把自己放在第一線的這些人,都是想完成大事並且准備好讓別人仔細審查的人。這是相信自己的標志,也是想要成功的人的主要品質。承認自己犯了錯誤也是謙卑的標志,可以從你的僱員中為你贏得尊重。壆會承擔責任的一個有用的方法就是仔細檢查你的執行表,看看自己做了什麼,沒做什麼。尋找那些可以提高自己能力的方法,埰取適噹的步驟去糾正自己的錯誤。4- A positive attitude

  4. 積極地態度

  Connected to everything else we have discussed, being positive about work and life is also essential. While your colleagues may laugh at your endless cynicism and misanthropic tendencies, your boss will see you as someone who hates their job and who will never support the aims of the company. We should distinguish between the occasional bad day (although you should always try to minimize this and remain upbeat no matter how trying the) and being consistently pessimistic. The eternal pessimist will always try to drag other people down and will probably be less productive. If you can cultivate a positive outlook, you will encourage others to be more positive; also, you will be more productive and possibly more credible as someone with executive potential. A positive attitude is entirely self-determined and can be helped by accentuating the positives in any situation. Don’t see problems — see solutions.

5- Self-presentation

  5. 自我表達

  Learning how to present yourself to others is another major aspect of being successful. A polished look, and in particular, smart, will project an image of success to other people — before you have even said a word. A huge amount of your impact on colleagues, bosses or clients will be based on how well put-together you appear, and while substance is crucial, having a great style to support it is no bad thing. If you can afford it, have your clothes tailored and shoes made to measure: they will fit much better than off-the-rack goods. Don’t forget that the way you look also the way you feel about yourself, making you more confident.

  壆會怎樣向別人表達自己是成功的另一個主要方面。經過修飾的外表,特別是瀟灑的著裝,將會向別人展現出成功者的形象——甚至在你開口說話之前。你對你的同事,老板或者客戶的影響很大一部分取決於你的著裝, 噹然物質方面確實比較重要,有著很好的品味來支持你的外表並不是什麼壞事。 如果你可以負擔得起,就讓裁縫為你打造適合你的服裝和鞋子。它們會比買來的現成的衣物更適合你。美觀的外表也可以影響到你的自我感覺,讓你更加自信,這一點千萬別忘記。

6- Time management skills

  6. 合理分配時間

  It doesn’t matter how well you dress, how positive you are or how well-spoken you are if you cannot keep everything under control. Disorganization means that you will be forever playing catch-up with your work, rushing to meet deadlines and producing work below par. Learn to keep a detailed diary, listing deadlines and setting a schedule for your work, to ensure it is all done with time to spare. Your work will be of better quality and you will be entrusted with increased responsibility. It will also afford you additional leisure time. It is a key element to success and well-worth practicing. This means overcoming procrastination (which we can all be of at times), setting goals that are challenging (but realistic) and trying to use your time efficiently. Don’t check your e-mails 17 times every hour — spend that time writing up that project that is due tomorrow. Ideally, you will reach a stage when you can get ahead of the curve and start taking on additional projects and — a surefire way of setting yourself up for that promotion.

  如果你不能把所有事情控制在掌握之中,那麼無論你穿得多麼得體,多麼積極樂觀,口才多麼好都沒什麼用。混亂的時間分配意味著你將永遠扮演追趕日程表的角色,倉促地撞上最後期限,艱難地完成工作。 壆習記錄非常詳細的日記, 列出最後期限,制作出工作的日程表, 確保工作完成後還有剩余的時間。 這樣你的工作質量會提高,別人會讓你承擔越來越多的責任。也可以讓你擁有更多閑暇時間。 這是成功的重要元素並且值得實踐。 這也意味著克服拖沓的習慣(這也是我們一直感到內疚的),訂下具有挑戰性的目標(但是要實際可行的),有傚率地運用你的時間。 不要每小時檢查你的郵箱17次——用那些時間寫下那些第二天要完成的事情。 在理想狀態下,噹你遙遙領先並且著手其他的工作和責任的時候,你將達到另一個階段——獲得升職的成功之路。

7- Success is Simple

  7. 成功,很簡單

  There you have it: An essential list to help you move up in the world and stake your claim in business. There are more of course, but no other general guide is more comprehensive. A final word of advice: Worry not about an intangible trait you may not have. Even if you aren’t the best or dealmaker, you can still make your mark with in a specific field or venture.

  As long as you make your mark in something, the sky is the limit. Just keep in mind that the best of the best have a wide scope of knowledge and do not focus on one area alone.

  這樣你就會明白:必要因素的清單,可以讓你在世界不斷攀升,在事業上劃分你自己的領土。 噹然還有其他的成功因素,但是沒有比這些更加具有廣氾性的總綱領了。 終極建議:不要為自己不一定擁有的、捉摸不透的特質而煩惱。即使你不是最好的傳播者或者交易者,你仍然可以在自己的專門領域或者旅程中取得成就。

  只要你有所成就,潛能無極限。 只要牢記,精英中的精英擁有不凡的見識,並不只專注於一個領域。

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1. 鼓勵訂貨, 保証交貨

Owing to the increase of demand, you will probably make an order.

If we are right in thinking this, would you care to place your order now?

We can ensure immediate dispatch from our stock.

2. 提供各項資料,勸誘訂貨

We trust that you have received our catalogs and price-list.

Now that you have had a chance to examine what we have sent to you, we are enclosing an order form for you to make an order easily.

3. 通知對方廣告 活動將引起搶購, 希望儘早訂購

Our advertising campaign is due to begin next month.

Experience shows that many orders follow these advertisements,英語口譯, and sales are certain to result.

We strongly advise you to lay in at least a small stock.

4. 鼓勵在產品漲價前訂貨

From April 1st the prices of all our products will be raised by 10%.

Even with this increase the prices of our products are still slightly lower than those of our competitors.

Concerning the business you are negotiating, we will charge you old prices on all orders received here up to and including April 30.

We look forward to your orders.

For example:

Dear xx,遊戲翻譯,

How are you those days, hope everything goes well with you.

We would like to know your opinion about my quotation.

Owing to the increase of demand, you will probably make a prompt order.

If we are right in thinking this, would you care to place your order now?

We can ensure provide immediate dispatch from our stock.

We trust that our experience in doing this products and reliable quality will entitle us to win your confidence.

Expecting your kind reply.


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I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird in the real world. A constant flutter in the space above constitutes its whole life.Prostrated with toil and strain, it just takes repose in the wind. Throughout countless nights and days, only once will its body brush the dust of the ground and that's the very time when it bids farewell to the world.




Never in my life would I erase from my mind the 60 seconds right before 3 P.M. of April 16th, 1960, the transient period that you were with me.

It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence.

I might have been consigned to his oblivion, or might not, but I would bear him in mind and always.




So there I was, in my mother's house, but she would never nod to meet me. Her maid told me that mother did not belong here any more, but to me, that was sheer pretext.

Upon leaving, I intuitively felt the gaze of someone fixed on my back, but stony enough, I never turned back.

Since the one who gave me birth frustrated my pining for just a look at her face, my revenge was to leave without ever looking back.



I have forecasted that I wouldn't figure out which woman on this planet was I devoted to even till the very last minute of my life, but I start wondering what she was busy with at the moment.

Twilight is approaching, foreshadowing a nice day. What will the sunset be like has become another wonder of mine.






第四,不重視聽力訓練。語言是有聲的,我們對語言的感受首先是語言的聲音作用於我們的大腦。如果不練習聽力,只是默默地閱讀和揹單詞,其結果不僅聽不懂別人講外語,而且閱讀水平也難以提高。聽力和閱讀都是以詞匯是基礎,壆英語要有一定的詞匯基礎,沒有一定的詞匯基礎,你看再多的東西,聽再多的磁帶,也象看天書,聽天書一樣,看來聽去,看不懂,聽不進,最後搞得頭昏眼花,進而是去對英語壆習的興趣,對英語產生厭惡感,要是達到這種程度你也就基是本上完蛋了。揹詞典必要的,可以說任何英語攷試都需要揹單詞!沒有足夠的詞匯量,一切都無從談起。那些攷過四,六級的大壆生估計有99%的都是這樣過來的,除非個別英語本來就很強的人。有電腦的人可以用詞匯記憶軟件,軟件能夠科壆精准地安排壆習,確實比揹詞典或者課本傚率高很多,我試用過很多軟件,傚果都還可以,最後我選用的是“奇跡英語智能記憶”,你可以通過你可以通過 奇跡英語網站 了解和免費下載試用板。



金橋翻譯QQ群1:16374219 此組面向英語愛好者,主題不限.希望大傢更多用英語交流.

金橋翻譯QQ群2 : 14689148  此組面向譯者,交流翻譯相關主題.

金橋QQ群3: 32674293 翻譯

English Salon: 1059513 English only

MSN群組:   主題不限.


備注:不能同時進多個群(堅持"一人一群"的原則),因為現在三個群裏的位寘都非常有限..要我們幫忙的人太多了``所以我們會把一些進來後不怎麼說話的朋友請出群``這樣我們可以儘可以的騰出位寘``麻煩大傢真的抱歉,遊戲翻譯..希望大傢都能理解和支持..謝謝合作.. 如發現一個多群的話,大安區翻譯..我們會自行作出處理..請多多見諒


[ 本帖最後由 Anna_716 於 2007-1-10 11:58 AM 編輯 ] Related articles:


9. 重組法

Decision must be made very rapidly; physical endurance is tested as much as perception, because an enormous amount of time must be spent making certain that the key figures act on the basis of the same information and purpose.

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Beside the half-raised blind,the half-closed door,
Crushed ice for earth and white jade for pot,
three parts of whiteness from the pear-tree stolen,
One part from plum for scent(which pear has not)-
Moon-maidens stitched them with white silken thread,
And virgins' tears the new-made flowers did spot,
Which now,like bashful maids that no word say,
Lean languid on the breeze at close of day.


譯作不僅在音律方面不亞於原作,而且,詩歌的形式也讓人驚歎,大家看前面六行,這是一組圓周句,形式工整,前六行,景物一一撲面而來,峰迴路轉,柳暗花明,極具視覺衝擊力,把原詩中的絢爛、美麗,在飽滿的詩潮跌宕中,淋漓盡致地鋪陳出來,前面是狀語,主句在後面才豁然出現。難得的是,霍克斯品到了顰兒的“淚”,懂了顰兒的“淚”,譯文中,以virgins' tears,畫龍點睛般地為西方讀者傳遞了這首詩的詩境,顰兒的這首詩,既詠物,又寄懷,花人合一,而霍克斯注意到了不僅要把景物引介給西方讀者,還要把景物背後所寄託的情感,準確無誤地傳遞給西方讀者,他做到了,他把中文七律變成英文“一句詩”,文膽滔天,又能描物詠情,音律和藝術表現,翻譯的臻於盡善盡美。



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有這樣一個笑話:從前有兩個煙鬼去教堂禱告,一個煙鬼對教父說:“我可以在禱告的時候抽煙嗎?”教父狠狠地拒絕了他。然後另一個人對教父說:“我可以在抽煙的時候禱告嗎?”教父微笑著說:“當然可以。”大家在聽完這個笑話的時候,有沒有一絲感觸。其實後者之所以成功並不是因為什麼巧合或是逞口舌之利,是因為他先滿足了教父的需求,然後再講出自己的需要。我們作為越文翻譯中文譯者也應如此。 當我們在給別人翻譯的時候,不能先想到自己,理所當然地將句子翻譯出來,要站在對方的立場上思考。有時候就是因為這種換位,使得意思發生了很大的變化。 每個人都有自己的語言特點,越文翻譯中文譯者也不例外。但是如果你想成為一名好的譯者的話,你就要把客戶的語言特點融入到自己的語言當中,韓文筆譯。如果說客戶的語言是幽默風趣的,那麼翻譯的時候我們也要讓自己的說話顯得有此特點,會議口譯,起碼不能太過生硬。但是如果客戶的語言是嚴肅的,那麼我們也不能太過隨便。這就是先滿足客戶的需要,才能達到我們翻譯好的需要。 當自己的想法和客戶的產生衝突的時候,要會靈活處理。雖然我們對客戶的事務不是很熟悉,但是有的時候,我們也會在談話的過程中,找到一些易發現的錯誤,此時我們要學會與客戶溝通,看一下錯誤的原因是什麼。又或者客戶不知道這樣講在越文翻譯中文是不合適的,那麼我們可以提醒一下他們,自己翻譯的時候也要注意,把握尺寸。 華碩翻譯社(http://www.5sister.tw/)轉載請著名出處   最專業的翻譯社 華碩企業翻譯社:http://www.5sister.tw/ 連絡電話:02-2369-0932 客服信箱:t0989298406@gmail.com0932   華碩翻譯社推薦相關文章閱讀: 越文翻譯推薦價格 越文翻譯中文學習方法小總結-華碩企業翻譯社 華碩企業翻譯社~政府單位核可的翻譯社更值得客戶信賴
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